Tuesday 27 August 2013

Eat Healthy & Save $$!

I won't deny the fact that maintaining a passion for weight training can take a chunk of your wallet every month. With the protein powder, various supplements and if you consider the gym membership fees and also the entry fees to the gym. If you add it up for the whole year, I won't be surprised if it exceeds over a grand!

Sadly, we can't eliminate the extra spending but what we can do is damage control and spending smart.

One of the best money savers so far I've experienced is cooking your own meals. I reckon I spent about less than $200 on food per month and mind you it involves 4 meals a day. On average, a meal in Singapore costs about $5. If I were to eat lets say 4 times a day, it would have cost $20. 1 week will be $140. 1 month will be a whopping $560.

Alright, just for the purist out there who thinks, "HEY! there's no way in hell I'm going to spend $5 on every meal for 4 times every single day!".

Let me put it this way then:

Our body NEED food. We should be constantly be feeding our body with clean, nutritious food to keep our metabolism burning, to maintain the sugar levels, to control our cravings, to maintain our core temperature, to prevent our body to enter a catabolic state where it starts feeding on our muscles for energy to burn fat.

In Singapore, the fact is eating HEALTHY IS NOT CHEAP. It's hard to find healthier alternatives in Singapore. Let's use McDonald's as a really good example. Another food joint that "promotes" healthy eating by offering healthier alternatives but priced unreasonable higher than other burgers there. 

Chicken McGrill Salad: $5.60
Quarter Pounder w/cheese: $5.10
Big Mac: $5.10
McSpicy burger: $5.10

Yeah.. so much for promoting healthier food.

The best is still to buy your own food and cook your own meal.

I just did groceries shopping for the whole week yesterday and here's a list of the stuff i bought:

  • 7 packets of frozen fish (each packet has 3 200 grams fillet..nice!) - $17.50
  • 4 stocks of broccoli  - $5.00
  • 1 tray of egg (30 eggs) - $1.80
  • 5kg of brown rice (1 bag) - $8.90
Total cost: $33.20.

All of the above is able to last me for a week and supplying me with 3 meals for a day. (The 4th meal being the oats and eggs for breakfast.) If you do your maths, 1 meal costs about less than $2! A whopping savings from eating out.

It's easier to say it out than done. The next challenge is cooking the meal yourself. I won't lie that there are days where I really dread to get up early or stay up abit late to cook my meals late at night. But I believe that if you want something bad enough, you have to work hard for it.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Chicken & Rice

Pardon for not updating this blog for a long time. Was really caught up with lots of work and personal stuff since the dawn of the fasting month. Now that the fasting month is over, time to catch up with lost time, fitness wise!

Incredibly, I've lost 5 kg of mass during the fasting month due to the abstinence from food and drink during the day for a month. I couldn't pushed as hard during my workouts.

After the fasting month was over about a week ago, I was pedal down all the way to catch up with my normal diet and workout.

Meal preparations are a fun. I love taking my time to prepare a meal and paying attention to details on the seasoning and plating of the food. However, at times, especially in the morning where everything goes about in a rush, I don't have the luxury to do that.

Two days ago, something struck my mind and I came up with a super duper fast and convenient way to cook my meals (up to 3 - 4 servings at a go) and totally hassle free.

My secret weapon is the RICE COOKER.

CHIC & RICE (serves 2 - 3 meals)


1 cup of brown rice
400 grams of chicken breasts
1 stock of broccoli

Steps to be taken

1. Cook the rice in the rice cooker (duh)
2. About 10 minutes later, as the rice is about 50 - 60 % cooked, add the chicken and broccoli inside the rice cooker.
3. Wait for the rice to cook and by the time the rice is ready, your chicken and veggies should too!
4. Pack and you're ready to go hit the gym!

If you prefer some taste in your chicken / meat, you can slightly season it with salt and pepper prior to putting it in the rice cooker.

Here's the end product of mine:

Enjoy cooking!